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Inside Out and Back Again

This is the moving story of one girl's year of change,dreams, grief, and healing as she journeys from one country to another, onelife to the next.

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Moving to America turns Hà’s life inside out.

For all the ten years of her life, Hà has only known Saigon: the thrills of its markets, the joy of itstraditions, the warmth of her friends close by . . . and the beauty of her veryown papaya tree.

But now the Vietnam War has reached her home. Hà andher family are forced to flee as Saigon falls, and they board a ship headedtoward hope. In America, Hà discovers the foreign world of Alabama: thecoldness of its strangers, the dullness of its food, the strange shape of itslandscape . . . and the strength of her very own family.

Author Thanhha Lai
Photo by Paula Landry

Thanhhà Lại

Thanhhà Lại is a Vietnamese-American writer of middle-grade and young adult novels. She lives in upstate New York with her husband and daughter. Her dog Pico assists her by stepping directly onto the keys of her computer as she types. Her first novel, Inside Out & Back Again (2011), which won the National Book Award and a Newbery Honor, was partly based on her childhood as a refugee growing up in the southern United States. Other books include Listen, Slowly (2015) and Butterfly Yellow (2019), her YA debut. Hundred Years of Happiness (2022), Thanhhà’s first picture book, is out now.