Permissions for virtual storytimes during COVID-19
UQP is part of an industry-wide agreement for virtual library storytimes during the COVID-19 outbreak. For details of the agreement, please visit Books Create Australia.
We've also changed our permissions around virtual school storytimes. Read the full agreement here.
UQP permissions information
If you wish to non-exclusively reproduce, adapt, dramatise or perform material from a University of Queensland Press (UQP) publication, please read and observe the following guidelines before submitting a permissions request:
- Due to the volume of requests we receive, please allow 8 weeks for your request to be processed. Do note: there may be a fee for usage of the material.
- If the requested material is part of an anthology or is a photograph, please check the acknowledgements page for details on the copyright holder for what you wish to reproduce. If the copyright holder is not UQP, please contact the acknowledged third party directly to seek permission.
- In Australia, copyright expires after 70 years from the end of the calendar year in which the author dies, unless the book was published posthumously, in which case it is 70 years from the first publication date. If the copyright has expired, the work is considered to be in the public domain and permission is not needed. However, you should still acknowledge the originating publication.
- Please email your request to:
When making a request, please ensure to include the following information about the UQP publication:
- The title and author of the book you wish to quote from; the publication date; the number of words you wish to quote; the page numbers on which the words appear; and, if it is a poem, the name of the poem and number of lines.
Please always include your contact details and the following information about how you wish to use the material:
- Book: Book title; Author; Publisher; Publication Date; Territory for Distribution (e.g. Australia and New Zealand or World English language); Language of publication; Print run and retail price; List of formats (e.g. print only or print and ebook).
- Journal/Newspaper: Journal/Newspaper title; Publication Date; Volume number; Territory for distribution; Language of publication; Print run and retail price; List of formats.
- Website: URL where material would appear; Approximate number of visitors per month; If access to material is restricted or password protected (if so, please indicate how many users would have access).
- Photocopying: Exact number of pages you wish to photocopy; Number of copies required; Name of school or company; Course name and start date; Proposed retail price.
- Dramatisation/Performance: Venue capacity; Number and date of performances; Ticket prices; Whether it is an amateur or professional production.