Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are respectfully cautioned that this website contains images of people who have passed away.

Western Port Writes (in collaboration with Flinders Fringe Festival)
22 Feb / 2:30pm – 4:30pm
St John's Church Hall - 23 King Street, Mendi-Moke (Flinders), VIC

Western Port Writes (in collaboration with Flinders Fringe Festival)

The Family Lode

Family stories have a universal appeal, but each is different. Why do family relationships provide such a rich seam of material for writers and such captivating stories for readers – whether mirroring our own experiences or taking us into new worlds.

How do authors write about family dynamics? What do they draw on to create these compelling stories? Join three powerful writers, Tony Birch (Women & Children), Melanie Cheng (The Burrow) and Kylie Ladd (The Mix-Up), as they discuss their diverse books on family and relationships with Jason Steger of The Booklist.

Join us for an afternoon of conversation and Q&A, followed by a delicious afternoon tea.

Tickets available here.