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Launch of Meet Me at the Moon Tree by Shivaun Plozza
06 Aug 2023 / 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Torquay Books

Launch of Meet Me at the Moon Tree by Shivaun Plozza

Join UQP and Shivaun Plozza as we launch Meet Me at the Moon Treein Victoria with Torquay Books.

Shivaun Plozza is the award-winning author of Frankie, Tin Heart, The Boy, the Wolf, and the Stars and A Reluctant Witch’s Guide to Magic. Her writing has been shortlisted for the CBCA Book of the Year, YALSA’s Top Ten Best Young Adult Books of the Year, and the Gold Inky. She won the Davitt Award for Best Young Adult Crime Novel in 2017. She lives in Geelong with her cat, Fenchurch. Meet Me at the Moon Tree is her latest book.

Meet Me at the Moon Tree is a tender Australian story about searching for the impossible in the places where magic and science meet.

For Carina Sugden, nothing is more special than a moon tree – a tree grown from the seeds taken on the Apollo 14 mission into space. Her father taught her everything she knows about them. But he passed away before they found one together.
When Mum relocates the family to the Otway Ranges, Carina becomes determined to find a moon tree on her own. Like a scientist, she carefully searches the forest behind her new house. But after a mysterious encounter with a black cockatoo, Carina realises there’s magic in this forest. And if magic exists, anything is possible, like seeing her dad one last time…

Tickets are free, but bookings are essential. RSVP via torqbook@bigpond.net.au or (03) 5261 2311.