Steven Herrick is the author of twenty-five books for children and young adults. His books have twice won the New South Wales Premier’s Literary Awards and have been shortlisted for the Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Awards on nine occasions. In 2019, his bestselling young adult novel, The Bogan Mondrian, was shortlisted for CBCA's Book of the Year: Older Readers Award and the Queensland Literary Awards - Griffith University Young Adult Book Award. His latest novel, How to Repaint a Life was shortlisted for the 2022 CBCA Book of the Year Awards: Older Readers. He is widely recognised as a pioneer of the verse-novel genre for young adults. He is also the author of six travel books. He spends nine months of the year visiting schools in Australia and three months on his bicycle, travelling around, pedalling slowly and thinking about his next book.