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Adam Thompson at the UQ Book Club
24 June 2021 / 7:30pm – 8:30pm

Adam Thompson at the UQ Book Club

Join our host Associate Professor Stephen Carleton as he discusses Born Into This by Adam Thompson.

Born Into This

Born Into This throws light on a world of unique cultural practice and perspective, from Indigenous rangers trying to instil some pride in wayward urban teens on the harsh islands off the coast of Tasmania to those scraping by on the margins of white society railroaded into complex and compromised decisions. To this mix Adam Thompson manages to bring humour, pathos and occasionally a sly twist as his characters confront racism, untimely funerals, classroom politics and, overhanging all like a discomforting, burgeoning awareness for both white and black Australia, the inexorable damage and disappearance of the remnant natural world.

Born Into This is available for purchase through UQ Press. Use the code UQBOOKCLUB at checkout to receive 20 per cent off.

About Adam Thompson

Adam has been awarded a First Nations Fellowship at Varuna – The Writers House, several Arts Tasmania grants, and was one of ten recipients of The Next Chapter initiative through the Wheeler Centre.