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Yanga Mother

Yanga Mother is a timely and poetic celebration of motherhood and First Nations languages.

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Wandaguli Yanga. There is always Mother.

From award-winning writer Cheryl Leavy comes this beautiful picture book in Kooma and English about a grey kangaroo and her joey, and the unbreakable bonds of family.

With artwork from renowned Meriam and Yupungathi artist Christopher Bassi, this gentle yet powerful story honours the Stolen Generations, First Nations matriarchs, and never-ending motherly love.


Yanga Mother: Kooma Language Pronunciations. Voiced by Cheryl Leavy.

Cheryl Leavy photographed by Rhett Hamilton
Photo by Rhett Hamilton

Cheryl Leavy

Cheryl Leavy is from the Kooma and Nguri Nations in western and central Queensland. She is an award-winning poet and writer who loves to tell stories that celebrate First Nations culture, history and Country. Yanga Mother is her first picture book and her second, For You Country, will be published in 2025. Cheryl loves her job as a writer because it gives her endless opportunities to work with friends to make beautiful books together.

Christopher Bassi
Photo by Joe Ruckli

Christopher Bassi

Christopher Bassi is an artist of Meriam, Yupungathi and British descent. Working with archetypal models of representational painting, his work engages with the medium as sociological and historical text and as a means to address issues surrounding cultural identity, alternative genealogies, and colonial legacies in Australia and the South Pacific. Chris's recent work will be included in the Museum of Contemporary Art's exhibition, Primavera 2023: Young Australian Artists.