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Sandy Feet

A raw and engaging coming-of-age story that perfectly portrays the highs and lows of adolescence as well as the consequences of family tragedy.

Available. Dispatched 2-3 business days

Hunter is stuck in a car with his family as they travel up the Queensland coast. It is a trip that his mum thinks will bring the family closer together, especially now that his step-dad and little brother are part of the mix.

But with tension and secrets sizzling beneath the happy family facade, the road trip soon becomes Hunter’s worst nightmare. The further away from home he gets the more he can’t shake thoughts of the accident that took his dad away from them.

Can one trip really help bring a family together?

Sandy Feet is a raw and engaging coming-of-age story that perfectly portrays the highs and lows of adolescence as well as the consequences of family tragedy.

Nikki Buick, author of Sandy Feet

Nikki Buick

Nikki Buick has had a varied career, from film and television acting to teaching to legal counselling. She lives in Queensland with her husband and children. One Way or Another: The Story of a Girl Who Loved Rock Stars (written under her maiden name, McWatters) was her first book. It was shortlisted for the Emerging Author Award in the former Queensland Premier’s Literary Awards.

Nikki McWatters

Nikki McWatters

Nikki McWatters was shortlisted for a Queensland Premier’s Literary Award (2010) and has published a memoir and two young adult novels. She won the Irish Moth Award (2016) and has written for the Sydney Morning Herald, the UK Huffington Post and The Big Issue. She is currently the spokesperson for the annual Vinnie’s CEO Sleepout. Nikki also has a law degree in her bottom drawer somewhere.