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Bully on the Bus

Available. Dispatched 2-3 business days

She’s big.
She’s smart.
She’s mean.
She’s the bully on the bus.
She picks on me and I don’t like it.
But I don’t know how to make her stop.

The bully on the bus taunts seven-year-old Leroy, then silences him with threats of worse to come. To distract him, his teacher introduces him to the adventures in The Big Bad Book of Fairytales. Hidden throughout are the clues that Leroy needs to overcome the bullying taunts once and for all.

Kathryn Apel

Kathryn Apel

Kathryn Apel is a born-and-bred farm girl who’s scared of cows. She lives among the gum trees, cattle and kangaroos on a Queensland grazing property, where she writes poetry, picture books and verse novels. Her previous books include Bully on the Bus, which won the Australian Family Therapists’ Award for Children’s Literature: Younger Readers, Too Many Friends, a CBCA Notable book, and most recently, The Bird in the Herd. Kat loves pumping poetry because she can flex her muscles across other genres, to bend (and break) writing rules. A trained teacher, Kathryn shares her passion for words at schools and festivals around the globe.