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5 Ways To Carry A Goat:
A Blogger's World Tour


(Trade paperback)
Available. Dispatched 2-3 business days

Hilarious, insightful and one hell of a wild ride, this is Bill Bryson for the new world.

‘I’d sleep on couches, beds, floors, kennels … If someone was kind enough to put a roof over my head, I was game enough to go meet them. And I’d just pray they were who they said they were.’

There's nothing like a blog post to inspire angry rants from anonymous readers: it’s the talkback radio of the digital age. So why is Australia’s leading travel blogger Ben Groundwater setting out to put faces to his readers’ made-up names?

Armed with a backpack, a laptop, and a cover story in case of emergency, Ben has a plan: to travel the world, relying purely on the kindness of his sometimes frightening, but always interesting, readers. After posting a cry for help on his blog, he has a globe-circling itinerary of apparently friendly strangers who have offered him their homes – not to mention their radio shows, hallucinogenic drugs, beachside eco-resorts and daughters’ weddings.

This is Ben’s chance to dig deep into the realms of his digital universe: Who’s out there reading his blog? Where do they live? What are their lives like? And how do you carry a goat home in Ethiopia? Over 14 weeks, 14 countries and about a thousand beers, he answers these questions and many more. Five Ways to Carry a Goat is the hilarious tale of putting virtual friendships to the test of reality.

Ben Groundwater, author of 5 Ways to Carry a Goat: A Blogger's World Tour

Ben Groundwater

Ben Groundwater is an Australian travel writer, blogger, journalist and former men’s mag hack. A professional writer for 10 years, Ben began his career in Brisbane before deciding to see the world, taking off to write freelance travel features for newspapers and travel magazines. Now, on top of writing the hugely popular weekly travel blog The Backpacker for Fairfax Media, Ben is about to release this, his first book. Ben’s parents would really appreciate it if he’d find a real job and settle down. http://bengroundwater.com/ http://twitter.com/#!/bengroundwater